WeatherBlender  v1.0
Weather and Climate Engine for Unity3D
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAreaManagerArea Manager Exposes Climate, Light Data for the area Binds Colliders in chlidren
 CBaseStateBase state for Weather ScriptableObjects
 CHumidityRandomiserLerp Humidity Levels according to the Animation Curve provided
 CSkyBoxBlenderUtility script to Lerp between Skyboxes
 CTemperatureRandomiserLerp Temperature Levels according to the Animation Curve provided
 CWeatherConditionsManagerWeather conditions manager
 CWeatherGroupWeather group Allows for multiple states to be grouped (activated and deactivated) together
 CWeatherGroupWizardWeather group wizard
 CWeatherLightManagerHandles Colour operations in the current area
 CWeatherManagerWeather manager
 CWeatherManagerEditorWeather manager editor
 CWeatherManagerWindowWeather manager window
 CWeatherStateWeather state
 CWeatherStateRandomPickerWeather state random picker
 CWeatherStateWizardScriptableObject Factory for WeatherState
 CWetnessRandomiserLerp Wetness Levels according to the Animation Curve provided
 CWindDirectionVisualiserLooks at Wind direction
 CWindForceRandomiserLerp Wind Force Strength according to the Animation Curve provided
 CWindRandomiserWind direction randomiser
 CAreaActivatorArea Activator Attach to an object with a (2D or 3D) Collider Handles Entities traversing the area
 CRigidbodyWindEffectWind Nudge along the wind _direction in the Area(s)
 CScriptableObjectFactoryHelper class for instantiating ScriptableObjects
 CScriptableObjectWindowScriptable object window
 CSingletonBe aware this will not prevent a non singleton constructor such as T myT = new T(); To prevent that, add protected T () {} to your singleton class